Friday, October 27, 2006

What not to call your child.

In my husband's Govt. job he gets to meet some of life's less fortunate and often lacking educational opportunities. He comes home with sad stories mostly but yesterday he asked me this "If your surname was Pipe what is the worst name you could give your child?"I couldn't think of an actual name .It turned out to be Duane which has to be one of the daftest moves you can make .Kids get bullied and laughed at for the smallest reasons ,what were they thinking?


Anonymous said...

Sheesh! No kidding!
I do have to say here, in a past life my last name was Keough, (pronounced Kee-o) and came up with a name for a son... Pino...yep, of course I didn't, he's an Avery Emmett. There are all sorts of odd, silly, even cruel names out there, go figure.

Charity said...

Duane Pipe? Ouch!

Anonymous said...

I know ,thinking wasn't their strong point .Let us hope he calls himself anything else when he grows up .Life really was hard enough for his family as it was.

Anonymous said...

Well Marianne..good job our name isn't Bush or Tree or Berry even as I so wanted a Holly !

Sarah said...

In my brother's school they used to do the roll call with the surname first then the christian name. You can imagine the bullying Tom Bott (seriously) received.

Anonymous said...

Oh poor lad ,honestly there are some daft parents.