Thursday, August 17, 2006

My kind of gal...

The lady on the right is called Mary Kennedy Ryan ( a cousin of President Kennedy ..possibly 2nd or 3rd). Anyhow she is the kind of lovely warm ,cuddly woman the World was full of . I'd love to be like that in a dress and lace-up brogues maybe .None of this competing with daughters you see so much of.You can't see her face but it's warm and bonny. The place is Dunganstown Co. Wexford during his visit in 1963. Posted by Picasa


Jo at Celtic Memory Yarns said...

Hey I knew I'd seen that picture before! Saw it on the wall of the old Kennedy homestead when I was doing a story down there a year or two ago. His trip to Ireland is still remembered in every detail. Saw him myself - was struck by his deep mahogany tan (something we didn't see too much of in Ireland in those days, and probably got from sailing off Cape Cod).

Anonymous said...

There are some theories that Addisons disease gives you a tanned look but Robert ,Ted etc didn't have it. The saddest thing is that it's 1963 . Mrs Ryan was invited to the funeral .