Sunday, August 13, 2006

Old pattern..

Amongst a big pile of old patterns sent to me by a friend Holly singled this out.It would look better on her in a deep pink ..and one day I hope to get round to it ! Posted by Picasa


Charity said...

There are always so many more projects than time to knit them, eh? :0)

Jo at Celtic Memory Yarns said...

Wouldn't you just know she'd fall for something that is clearly knitted in very very fine yarn and on very very thin needles? No chance of getting away with the 'cast on 30, knit 20 rows and there you are' sort of pattern...

But those older ones did have lots of elegance, didn't they? I've been trawling through my own collection and must post some of those too.

Angie said...

She's very huffy with me at the moment as I dread 4ply eyes are just not what they were and I always have something else in mind.I tried to persuade her she wanted a biggy print cardigan from "Arabesque" on Friday much to her utter disgust.I still think she is going to have to learn to knit !