Sunday, September 10, 2006


Not a good view but take my word it has square 1940's shoulders and Holly loves it ..hooray ! It is in Venezia F/C and black "Freedom" .Just cast on 52 stitches and cast of four to shape it for the back and two split sides as she won't wear ponchos et voila a bit of velvet ribbon and a capelett is born . Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Hi, Angie - great blog! Thanks for asking about the photo on Doodles - the photo is the Beamish Boy's, so if you email him on, he'll give you permission. Thanks for liking it, I think it's great :)

Jo at Celtic Memory Yarns said...

Love the capelet but can't quite work out the shape so tell me again. Do you start at the back and work up around the neck and down the front or wot?

Anonymous said...

I started it as a stole but soon realised it would eat Firecracker so looking at the basic shape which started with 52 stitches but know had four less I cast it off when it had reached 10 inches.I then made sides casting off a neck opening half way up one stitch at a time.As luck had it it fitted across Holly's shoulders and had a nice 40's square shoulder shape .It still took 3 Firecrackers and four Freedoms. Had I knitted the stole I think I'd have needed at least 12 Firecrackers £84.00s plus the Freedon at £1.00 a ball I'd got in the sale !