Sunday, September 24, 2006

Stange but true..

Yes folks I just found a site that wishes to "Reclaim the nipple". I never knew it had gone away and if it was a site to promote breast-feeding in public I'd understand ..but out on their own in British weather no thanks. There are certain private parts that none of us want to see plonked on the cheese counter as we buy and that sure is one of them. In some societies it's okay to go topless but I'd rather not here thanks.I've often thought clothes are such a mercy , all those attractive yarns , fabrics etc . To let the little poppets out alone we'd have holes in our clothes I guess and they'd get chaffed , sun-burnt etc.Serves me right for reading a blog on crafts with some rather odd links.


Anonymous said...

Oh yes and goodness they need it .

Anonymous said...

How incredibly odd...I'm with you, didn't know they needed 'reclaiming'...I just now popped over from Jo's, I'm sorry to hear about your mum, my thoughts are with you.

Charity said...

Oh, my, what a site you've found! Since I live in the frozen north of Canada, I agree - keep 'em covered! :0)

Anonymous said...

Thank-you Marianne ..on top of her Shingles it's almost too much for her.

Anonymous said...

The strange thing was it was a fairly normal craft blog but had this link ..don't laugh but the blogger is not a natural English speaker so I thought it must be some sort of craft gadget that had gone out of date like sock-darner mushrooms !

Lynn said...

Yes, please, let's keep them covered. That's why they're called "privates", LOL.

And I'm not at all thrilled about the new maternity clothes. They are certainly more stylish than what was available when I was being fruitful and multiplying, but I don't want to see somebody's "outie" pooching against a skin-tight maternity top.

Why can't we design something modest *and* flattering *and* comfortable, to give honor and respect to the mothers of our children?

I saw a pattern for a nursing sweater recently that was all three; very intelligently designed, presumably by somebody who'd been-there-done-that.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes Lyn,I had three very sweet crisp cotton maternity dresses.Also some dungarees and for feeding in public bog smock tops.The worst part of this site is they meant every day and all day .And all because I looked at a blog whose owner did some lovely craft work but obviously had rather odd exhibitionist tendancies. I guess even at 51 I can still ne shocked .