Saturday, September 02, 2006

To be fair..

this is me circa 1962 ..would I have worn this as a teen ager ...NO ! Posted by Picasa


Holly said...

I don't think you should ever have agreed to wear this its not green for a start and seems to have holes we have problems with moths too we understand. Bramwell hires out as a style consultant call him.
Mrs Nito

Jo at Celtic Memory Yarns said...

Weren't you just CUTE? C'mon you know you still are...

Yeah, I remember the days when we wore what we were given and didn't dare object.... In my case it was hideous long woollen stockings in winter when all my friends were wearing short socks. Now I'm knitting the darn things myself! Plus ca change...

Anonymous said...

Well if they are like Lene's they are just classic.We can't always see it as kids .

Anonymous said...

Thank-you Cherry..yes folks I had cheek-bones in those days !