Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Holly was just pulling her curtains when...

she said " Mum there are two very old ladies in the porch of Hilary's house" ( across the road) . I am thinking "saw Hilary go to work this morning , only cats at home ,do they need help?". Then my brain activates...ALARM, EMERGENCY...get downstairs turn off all the lights , the radio , hide behind sofa .You guessed they are Jehovah's Witnesses ..these folks do not take "No thanks" for an answer.I might be a half-hearted Quaker and I want to stay that way .I've tried I'm a communist ,member of Opus Dei, Satanist , Dutch Reformed, atheist ( NEVER try that one). The best thing is to be out even when in.


Charity said...

Perhaps they are more aggressive there? Here, I find a very firm, "Thank you, but no!" and then a closed door work wonders. :0)

Anonymous said...

More amusingly Holly had spotted that one was white and one black which gave it away ....why do they do that? When Jeff and I go out no-one presumes we are J/W's of course but we are not carrying bibles. I've invited them in but that was a huge mistake .The awful thing for me is that I'd be dead without blood-transfusions .

Badger said...

Ha! As an atheist and an RE teacher I love it when they call round - I'll jump at any chance for a good argument! ;)

sal the spider said...

My friend greeted them with a cheery smile and began to tell them her Pagan beliefs at which point they turned and scarpered!
There was a tough two years as a teenager when I couldn't answer the door as they had decided I was a target and we couldn't convince them otherwise. I remember one lady with terrifying pinpoint pupils - like a Stephen King film LOL
Sal x

Anonymous said...

Oh Lordie Sal !! I see them like Blackadder's relatives who wore crosses on their heads . I think it's only fair to be allowed to put up a notice saying "Don't even bother guys ,mostly everything I do is probably a sin to you ".