Friday, August 18, 2006

Todays purchase..

New colours in Zanzibar..a capelet for Holly . Posted by Picasa


Charity said...

Ooooh, fancy yarn! Love the colours :0) Great modeled photos, by the way, all that work is lovely!

Jo at Celtic Memory Yarns said...

Angie, I've told you before and if you don't stop doing this, I'm coming right over there to GET you! Will you. PLEASE. Stop. Showing. Me. Yarn. That. I. Immediately. Want.

Angie said...

I know it's a regukar tart isn't it ? Flashing at us ..mind you it a b***er to use because even though it's a ball it gets into knots easily.It's very like the dreaded "Silky-Chic" that you might as well knot up and cut into small useless amounts first .I did manage to carefully re-wind the balls though.